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54,870 ha


Improved Forest Management





54,870 ha

Developer: 3GreenTree Ecosystem Services

Improved Forest Management

Located in southern British Columbia, the Darkwoods project includes some of the most diverse forests in the region. Owned by the Nature Conservancy of Canada, this project was started when they purchased and took over the land which was previously being aggressively harvested. The project is managed for ecological conservation and a net reduction in GHG emissions. Sustainable management practices on this land is allowing regrowth of trees and an increase of carbon stocks, while surrounding parcels are subject to commercial clearcuts. Note - please contact Pachama if you are interested in supporting this project as general sale is not available.

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Verra Logo

Registry ID: 607

Pachama's project evaluation criteriaPachama rigorously evaluates every project listed on our marketplace to ensure that we're surfacing only the highest quality projects. Our Evaluation Criteria includes a series of checks that every project must pass as well as a number of informative insights on project quality. You can see a preview of these checks below.



Does the project have a net additional climate benefit?

  • Net additional climate benefit

    Emissions reductions are calculated based on the difference between baseline, project, and leakage emissions. Pachama analyzes emissions claims to confirm that the project has a net additional climate benefit, and each credit represents at least one metric ton of carbon.



Is the climate benefit based on sound and conservative claims?

  • Baseline claims

    Pachama analyzes baseline emissions accounting to confirm that the reported baseline emissions are less than what Pachama observes with remote sensing.

  • Project claims

    Pachama assesses the project boundary, project emissions accounting, carbon inventory, and financial and legal additionality.

  • Leakage claims

    Pachama summarizes the project's reported leakage emissions accounting.



Is the climate benefit long-lasting?

  • Ongoing monitoring

    Pachama quantifies emissions since the last verification to ensure the project continues to deliver a climate benefit.

  • Project risks

    Pachama characterizes fire and other natural risks and summarizes buffer pool contributions.


Beyond Carbon

Does the project deliver benefits beyond carbon?

  • Social impacts

    If a project occurs on community-owned land, Pachama confirms the community is fully informed of the project activity and impact, consent is given without coercion, and a grievance and redress mechanism is in place.

  • Ecological impacts

    For ARR projects, Pachama analyzes native species planting, species diversity, regional suitability, and reforestation practices.

  • Certifications

    Pachama provides a summary of the project's awarded certifications.


Impacts beyond carbon

Protecting a vanishing inland temperate rainforest

The Darkwoods project includes vanishing inland temperate rainforest, which receives the majority of moisture from snow and is biologically unique. It also connects existing public and park land, creating a wildlife corridor of close to 250,000 hectares. One particularly interesting wildlife species is the South Selkirk herd of mountain caribou that is dependent on the project's land for its winter range.
Public registry documentsApplicable calculation methods are referenced in the reports below. Note that registries do not publicly provide all pertinent data required to reproduce emissions calculations. However, Independent Validation and Verification Bodies have access to the data needed to reproduce and verify emissions calculations.
  • Project Description


  • 2016 Verification Document


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