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149,800 ha

Borneo Peatlands

Avoided Planned Deforestation

Protect irrecoverable carbon in one of the planet’s largest remaining peat swamp forests


Borneo Peatlands



149,800 ha

Developer: PT. Rimba Makmur Utama (PT. RMU)

Avoided Planned Deforestation

The Borneo Peatlands project is one of the largest intact peat swamp forests in Indonesia and can store up to 20X more carbon than a typical forest. This rare piece of land is at significant risk of conversion to industrial timber plantations, as well as illegal deforestation for pulpwood. The project seeks to collaborate with local communities to protect and restore this critical ecosystem through education, alternative livelihood financing, and robust monitoring regimes.

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Verra Logo

Registry ID: 1477


Certification - Climate Community and Biodiversity Standards Logo



Pachama's project evaluation criteriaPachama rigorously evaluates every project listed on our marketplace to ensure that we're surfacing only the highest quality projects. Our Evaluation Criteria includes a series of checks that every project must pass as well as a number of informative insights on project quality. You can see a preview of these checks below.



Does the project have a net additional climate benefit?

  • Net additional climate benefit

    Emissions reductions are calculated based on the difference between baseline, project, and leakage emissions. Pachama analyzes emissions claims to confirm that the project has a net additional climate benefit, and each credit represents at least one metric ton of carbon.



Is the climate benefit based on sound and conservative claims?

  • Baseline claims

    Pachama analyzes baseline emissions accounting to confirm that the reported baseline emissions are less than what Pachama observes with remote sensing.

  • Project claims

    Pachama assesses the project boundary, project emissions accounting, carbon inventory, and financial and legal additionality.

  • Leakage claims

    Pachama summarizes the project's reported leakage emissions accounting.



Is the climate benefit long-lasting?

  • Ongoing monitoring

    Pachama quantifies emissions since the last verification to ensure the project continues to deliver a climate benefit.

  • Project risks

    Pachama characterizes fire and other natural risks and summarizes buffer pool contributions.


Beyond Carbon

Does the project deliver benefits beyond carbon?

  • Social impacts

    If a project occurs on community-owned land, Pachama confirms the community is fully informed of the project activity and impact, consent is given without coercion, and a grievance and redress mechanism is in place.

  • Ecological impacts

    For ARR projects, Pachama analyzes native species planting, species diversity, regional suitability, and reforestation practices.

  • Certifications

    Pachama provides a summary of the project's awarded certifications.


Tech-verified evaluationEvery forest project listed on the Pachama Marketplace must align with our Evaluation Criteria to ensure we're surfacing only the highest quality projects. To assess a forest project, Pachama uses remote sensing to review a variety of factors including forest cover loss in and around the project area. This project passes our emissions quality checks because the reported emissions are in line with what Pachama observed.

Contains modified data from Hansen Global Forest Change v1.9 (2001-2021).

Visual Description

The figure above shows the project area outlined in white, and observed forest loss in red. The project has been active since 2010. Pachama analyzes forest loss data and removes false positives during our project evaluation process. Fire is one of the risks associated with forest carbon projects. While this particular project did experience some historical fire events, Pachama’s quality checks confirm the project has properly accounted for all emissions and continues to secure net climate benefits compared with the baseline scenario.

Project story
Preventing land conversion and restoring a natural carbon sink

At its heart, Borneo Peatlands aims to avoid the deforestation, degradation, and drainage of a vast area of peat swamp forest. By obtaining full legal control of the forest, the project prevented an industrial acacia plantation company from converting the area. This legal control is immensely important because the interior forests of the peatlands have increasingly been targeted for commercial exploitation. Prior to this project, the government granted licenses to a number of companies to log the forests irrespective of people’s claims to the land.

In addition to peatlands preservation, this project aims to reforest 4,433 hectares through three programs: community-led agroforestry, fire break implementation, and intensive reforestation. The team will grow saplings in on-site nurseries and conduct regular maintenance to improve the rate of tree survival.

Small local communities have existed along the banks of the main rivers for generations, relying on a river and forest-based economy supported by fishing, non-timber forest product harvesting, and smallholder agroforestry.


tons of GHG emissions reduced annually during the crediting period.


of the global populations of Bornean Orangutan, Gibbon & Proboscis live in the project area.

Aerial view of the project's boardwalk through the forest (Photo credit: Katingan Mentaya Project).

Aerial view of the project's boardwalk through the forest (Photo credit: Katingan Mentaya Project).

Impacts beyond carbon

Measuring what matters: community and biodiversity impacts

Borneo Peatlands is designed with the people’s legacy in mind. All benefits are long-lasting and are passed on to local communities, the region, and the wider state of Indonesia. The team has partnered with 34 villages in the surrounding area, supporting traditional livelihoods including farming, fishing, and non-timber forest products harvesting. The project aligns with a number of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more about a few of their key initiatives:
No Poverty image


No Poverty

Unlocking financing for businesses through microfinance loans for alternative revenue streams including the sustainable use of non-timber forest products, such as rattan, honey, coconut, and jelutong, as well as supporting the development of small processing facilities.

Learn more

Good health and well-being image


Good health and well-being

Giving greater access to public healthcare services and health education for 34 villages surrounding the project, including improved local sanitation practices, and increased access to clean drinking water.

Gender Equality image


Gender Equality

Employing women to support project initiatives (13% of staff are women with that number steadily increasing), building development programs focused specifically on women empowerment, and providing health services for 440 women.

Decent work and economic growth image


Decent work and economic growth

Providing training including work shadowing and internships for over 23,000 recipients, offering employment for 197 full-time field staff (74% hired from local communities), and supporting local fisherman groups to establish aquaculture platforms and promote sustainable fisheries.

Home to some of the world’s most endangered species

The land is so important, both from an environmental and biodiversity perspective, that one of the team’s primary priorities is to stabilize and maintain healthy populations of faunal and floral species in the project zone. The project area contains over 67 mammal species, 167 bird species, 45 reptile species, and 11 fish species. Estimates indicate ~4,000 Orangutans, ~ 10,000 Bornean Gibbon, and >500 Proboscis Monkeys inhabit the project area. This population represents over 5% of these species’ remaining global populations and thereby classifying the project area as a Key Biodiversity Area.

biodiversity image
  • 14

    Endemic species to Borneo in the project area

  • 11

    Endangered species in the project area

  • 314

    Plant species in the project area

Peatlands image
tree spotlight

Tropical peatlands, made up of organic matter from partially decomposed tree remains, support fundamental ecological functions and store massive amounts of carbon, which is released into the atmosphere if lands are cleared, drained, or burned. Kalimantan encompasses ~5.7M ha of peatland.

how this project helps

Preservation and restoration: Rewetting of drained peatlands, conservation of partially drained peatlands, and maintenance of tree vegetation.

Bornean Gibbon image
animal spotlight
Bornean Gibbon

Endemic to Borneo, the Bornean Gibbon is in serious decline due to forest habitat loss. They are primarily fruit-eaters, but they also enjoy flowers, immature leaves, and insects. Estimates indicate there are nearly 10,000 Bornean Gibbon in the project zone, which represents more than 5% of the remaining global population.

how this project helps

Protection of forests within the core project area and the wider region will ensure continued high population presence. The project’s activities will focus on general forest protection and hunting control measures.

Public registry documentsApplicable calculation methods are referenced in the reports below. Note that registries do not publicly provide all pertinent data required to reproduce emissions calculations. However, Independent Validation and Verification Bodies have access to the data needed to reproduce and verify emissions calculations.
  • Verification Report 2017-2017


  • Verification Report 2018-2018


  • Monitoring Report 2019-2019


  • Verification Report 2019-2019


  • Verification Report 2020-2020


  • Monitoring Report 2010-2015


  • Verification Report 2015-2016


  • Monitoring Report 2015-2016


  • Verification Report 2010-2015


  • Monitoring Report 2017-2017


  • Monitoring Report 2018-2018


  • Monitoring Report 2020-2020


  • Validation Report


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