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79,107 ha


Avoided Unplanned Deforestation

Preserve life in the heart of the Amazon: protect an ecological corridor from agricultural conversion





79,107 ha

Developer: Biofilica

Avoided Unplanned Deforestation

The Southern Brazilian state of Rondônia, where this project is located, has experienced one of the highest rates of deforestation in the Amazon due to large-scale operations to clear large tracts of forests for beef and soy commodities. Manoa Farm has been under threat of this agricultural conversion and timber theft. In 2013, Manoa was established as a REDD+ carbon project with a 30-year crediting period in order to preserve the forest. Some of the primary project activities include sustainable forest management practices, satellite and on-the-ground monitoring to patrol and contain invasions, environmental education for local communities at Manoa farm’s on-site training center, and partnerships with research institutions to monitor forest management impacts and study endemic species.

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Verra Logo

Registry ID: 1571


VM0015 v1.1

Pachama's project evaluation criteriaPachama rigorously evaluates every project listed on our marketplace to ensure that we're surfacing only the highest quality projects. Our Evaluation Criteria includes a series of checks that every project must pass as well as a number of informative insights on project quality. You can see a preview of these checks below.



Does the project have a net additional climate benefit?

  • Net additional climate benefit

    Emissions reductions are calculated based on the difference between baseline, project, and leakage emissions. Pachama analyzes emissions claims to confirm that the project has a net additional climate benefit, and each credit represents at least one metric ton of carbon.



Is the climate benefit based on sound and conservative claims?

  • Baseline claims

    Pachama analyzes baseline emissions accounting to confirm that the reported baseline emissions are less than what Pachama observes with remote sensing.

  • Project claims

    Pachama assesses the project boundary, project emissions accounting, carbon inventory, and financial and legal additionality.

  • Leakage claims

    Pachama summarizes the project's reported leakage emissions accounting.



Is the climate benefit long-lasting?

  • Ongoing monitoring

    Pachama quantifies emissions since the last verification to ensure the project continues to deliver a climate benefit.

  • Project risks

    Pachama characterizes fire and other natural risks and summarizes buffer pool contributions.


Beyond Carbon

Does the project deliver benefits beyond carbon?

  • Social impacts

    If a project occurs on community-owned land, Pachama confirms the community is fully informed of the project activity and impact, consent is given without coercion, and a grievance and redress mechanism is in place.

  • Ecological impacts

    For ARR projects, Pachama analyzes native species planting, species diversity, regional suitability, and reforestation practices.

  • Certifications

    Pachama provides a summary of the project's awarded certifications.


Tech-verified evaluationEvery forest project listed on the Pachama Marketplace must align with our Evaluation Criteria to ensure we're surfacing only the highest quality projects. To assess a forest project, Pachama uses remote sensing to review a variety of factors including forest cover loss in and around the project area. This project passes our emissions quality checks because the reported emissions are in line with what Pachama observed.

Contains modified data from Hansen Global Forest Change v1.9 (2001-2021).

Visual Description

The figure above shows the project area outlined in white, and observed forest loss in red. The project has been active since 2013. Pachama analyzes forest loss data and removes false positives during our project evaluation process.

Project story
Protecting one of Rondônia’s few remaining private forests through sustainable management

Manoa farm’s first sustainable management plan was established in 1997. They’ve spent years improving low-impact harvesting techniques, ultimately becoming a global model for other projects. The rotation is divided into intervals called “cutting cycles” of 30 years to ensure maintenance of mature species, allow the forest to regenerate, and allow species diversity to perpetuate.

Manoa’s project activities and planning are supported by the project developer Biofílica. They are a Brazilian company that promotes the environmental conservation and reduced deforestation in forest areas in the Amazon. The land is owner by Grupo Triângulo, are a responsible timber producer that invests in the conservation of its native forests through responsible management.

Manoa Farm has now been recognized by FAO (food and ag organization of the U.N.) as an exemplary case of sustainable forest management.

The project covers an area of approximately 74,000 hectares of native forest.

The project covers an area of approximately 74,000 hectares of native forest.

Impacts beyond carbon

Measuring what matters: community and biodiversity impacts

With a focus on environmental education, Manoa works hard to support the communities that inhabit and maintain the landscape. They direct funding from carbon credit sales toward continued support of project activities, proposed improvements, and socio-economic development initiatives. The project aligns with a number of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more about a few of their key initiatives:
Quality Education image


Quality Education

Providing access to low-impact management trainings for young people and adults in sustainable development practices at the project’s own forest education center (CEFLOM).

Learn more

Decent work and economic growth image


Decent work and economic growth

Empowering small local producer associations, disseminating knowledge on labor rights, and employing 55 community members for surveillance and management.

Responsible consumption and production image


Responsible consumption and production

Disseminating knowledge of sustainable use of raw materials to 22+ industries in the municipality of Cujubim and promoting FSC certification to ensure responsibility of forestry production.

Climate action image


Climate action

Conducting scientific research on forest management impacts, launching studies of endangered and/or endemic species, and partnering with educational and research institutions.

Life on land image


Life on land

Implementing reduced-impact management to maintain the forest and its wildlife corridors.

An ecological corridor for endangered species

Manoa Farm plays a fundamental role in the connectivity of the landscape. It acts as an ecological corridor between nearby land plots and serves as a shelter for several threatened and endemic species including jaguars, ocelots, birds, and monkeys. All employees are trained to be aware of threats to wildlife and how to minimize disturbance. Additionally, in connection with the University of Rondônia (UNIR), Manoa Farm began a continuous inventory and survey of medium and large mammals that inhabit the region.

biodiversity image
  • 177

    Flora species

  • 360

    Fauna species

  • 21

    Endangered animals

Eschweilera Coriacea image
tree spotlight
Eschweilera Coriacea

Eschweilera Coriacea is an evergreen canopy tree native to South America that yields a heavy, durable wood making it a target for timber harvesting. It can grow 15-35 meters tall, and flowers most profusely from August through December.

how this project helps

Continuous monitoring of permanent flora plots to assess the ecological behavior of the forest. The results of this work are expected to help demonstrate the importance of forest management as a tool for conservation in the Amazon.

Rondônia Warbling Antbird image
animal spotlight
Rondônia Warbling Antbird

This vulnerable species is suspected to have undergone a population reduction of at least 30% over the past three generations due to forest loss. They are found at lower levels of humid forest and woodland in Rondônia and Mato Grosso Brazil.

how this project helps

Monitoring of fauna through an agreement with the Laboratory of Mastozoology and Terrestrial Vertebrates of the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR). In addition to meeting the requirements of the CCB Certification, this partnership encourages scientific research and provides access to the area for students and researchers.

Public registry documentsApplicable calculation methods are referenced in the reports below. Note that registries do not publicly provide all pertinent data required to reproduce emissions calculations. However, Independent Validation and Verification Bodies have access to the data needed to reproduce and verify emissions calculations.
  • Project Description Document


  • Verification Report 2017-2020


  • Verification Report 2013-2016


  • Monitoring Report 2017-2020


  • Monitoring Report 2013-2016


  • Validation Report


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