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140,430 ha

Ucayali Community Rainforests

Avoided Unplanned Deforestation

Preserving Amazonian community lands for future generations.


Ucayali Community Rainforests



140,430 ha

Developer: AIDER

Avoided Unplanned Deforestation

Set in motion in 2010, the Ucayali Community Rainforest initiative is dedicated to preserving the lush forests of seven native communities spanning across the Peruvian Amazon. With 68% of its territory nestled in Ucayali and 32% in Huanuco, two Departments in central Peru, the project faces formidable challenges posed by slash-and-burn agricultural practices and the pervasive threat of illicit logging. Research from the Forest Research Centre (CIFOR) reveals that a staggering 78% to 88% of logging activities within this territory occur outside authorized zones, emphasizing the critical need to safeguard these community forests. Join us in protecting this vital ecosystem, ensuring a legacy for future generations to cherish.

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Verra Logo

Registry ID: 1360


Certification - Climate Community and Biodiversity Standards Logo



Pachama's project evaluation criteriaPachama rigorously evaluates every project listed on our marketplace to ensure that we're surfacing only the highest quality projects. Our Evaluation Criteria includes a series of checks that every project must pass as well as a number of informative insights on project quality. You can see a preview of these checks below.



Does the project have a net additional climate benefit?

  • Net additional climate benefit

    Emissions reductions are calculated based on the difference between baseline, project, and leakage emissions. Pachama analyzes emissions claims to confirm that the project has a net additional climate benefit, and each credit represents at least one metric ton of carbon.



Is the climate benefit based on sound and conservative claims?

  • Baseline claims

    Pachama analyzes baseline emissions accounting to confirm that the reported baseline emissions are less than what Pachama observes with remote sensing.

  • Project claims

    Pachama assesses the project boundary, project emissions accounting, carbon inventory, and financial and legal additionality.

  • Leakage claims

    Pachama summarizes the project's reported leakage emissions accounting.



Is the climate benefit long-lasting?

  • Ongoing monitoring

    Pachama quantifies emissions since the last verification to ensure the project continues to deliver a climate benefit.

  • Project risks

    Pachama characterizes fire and other natural risks and summarizes buffer pool contributions.


Beyond Carbon

Does the project deliver benefits beyond carbon?

  • Social impacts

    If a project occurs on community-owned land, Pachama confirms the community is fully informed of the project activity and impact, consent is given without coercion, and a grievance and redress mechanism is in place.

  • Ecological impacts

    For ARR projects, Pachama analyzes native species planting, species diversity, regional suitability, and reforestation practices.

  • Certifications

    Pachama provides a summary of the project's awarded certifications.


Project story
Driving sustainable development through Indigenous-led initiatives.

Developed by the Association for Research and Integral Development (AIDER), an environmental conservation NGO, in collaboration with the Peruvian government and seven native communities, Ucayali Community Rainforest aims to protect 127,004 hectares of forests in the Peruvian Amazon. The project receives funding from the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), an intergovernmental organization promoting sustainable timber trade.

Focused on community forest management, this project emphasizes controlled harvesting while addressing threats posed by illicit land use. Its comprehensive approach includes promoting sustainable land use, building capacity for resource management, facilitating financial support and market integration, and fostering alliances between communities.

By implementing agroforestry systems, resolving land use conflicts, and strengthening financial capability, the initiative aims to preserve the cultural heritage and biodiversity of the region while promoting sustainable development. Through community participation and state partnerships, it seeks to ensure effective monitoring and oversight of conservation efforts.

Spanning 140,000 hectares in the Peruvian Amazon, the forests are collectively owned by seven indigenous communities. Photo copyright Marlon DAG.

Spanning 140,000 hectares in the Peruvian Amazon, the forests are collectively owned by seven indigenous communities. Photo copyright Marlon DAG.

Impacts beyond carbon

Safeguarding wildlife and cultural diversity.

Ucayali Community Rainforest has made great strides conserving the diverse flora and fauna inhabiting the region. Through sustainable hunting and forestry practices, carefully managed to ensure minimal impact on the environment, the project ensures these activities are conducted for self-consumption and under strict forest management guidelines. Beyond its ecological significance, the region holds immense cultural value, being home to Indigenous groups such as the Shipibo-Conibo, Asháninka, and Urarina. These communities have deep-rooted connections with the land. Their traditional knowledge is invaluable for conservation efforts. Furthermore, the cultural diversity present in Ucayali contributes to a vibrant tapestry of traditions, art, and cuisine, enriching Peru’s cultural landscape.


No Poverty

The project has led to improved livelihoods and increased income for individuals through project activities and the sale of carbon credits.

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Zero Hunger

Agricultural capabilities have been enhanced in the project area, with the cultivation of both temporary and permanent crops in seven communities.


Gender Equality

Training sessions have been conducted for artisan women from five Shipibo-Conibo communities. Collaboration with two sustainable fashion companies helps improve family incomes while celebrating traditional embroidery.


Decent work and economic growth

As a result of project activities, 3,170 individuals have experienced improved livelihoods and increased income generation.


Responsible consumption and production

The project conducts training focused on sustainable economic activities, such as forest management and agroforestry, to alleviate pressure on resources caused by unsustainable practices.


Climate action

Urgent measures are undertaken by the project to combat climate change and mitigate its impacts.


Life on land

he project actively protects, restores, and promotes sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems. It employs sustainable management practices to halt biodiversity loss and preserve natural habitats.

A treasure trove of endemic species.

The Ucayali region stands out as a crucial biodiversity hotspot with the Peruvian Amazon, boasting a diverse array of native species that have thrived in the area for generations. Traditional crops such as cocoa, banana, cassava, citrus, and corn, alongside forest species like mahogany, shihuahuaco, and capirona, are integral components of the local ecosystem. The biodiversity of Ucayali is remarkable, with the region hosting many endemic species found nowhere else on the planet. Avian species such as the Ucayali Antwren (Herpsilochmus ucayalae) and Ucayali River Tern (Sterna superciliaris) exemplify its wildlife.

biodiversity image
  • 423

    species recorded from field work conducted in the project area including 166 species of flora and 257 species of wildlife.

  • 1,676

    critically endangered species in the region.

Brosimum utile  image
tree spotlight
Brosimum utile

Brosimum utile, also known as “Galactodendron,” is a towering canopy tree characterized by a straight trunk and small buttresses at the base. Its bark ranges from brown to reddish and features distinctive white lenticels. The leaves of the Brosum utile leaves are simple, light green on the underside, and intricately veined. Highly valued for its density, durability, and appealing coloration, Brosimum utile wood finds extensive use in fine woodworking, crafting musical instruments, furniture making, and decorative items. Indigenous peoples of the Amazon have historically used it for crafting tools, utensils, and ceremonial items, highlighting its cultural significance. Interestingly, Brosium utile also yields white latex with pharmacological properties, adding to its versatility.

how this project helps

Brosimum utile is currently classified as “Least Concern” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. However, despite its designation, like numerous other tree species in the Amazon, it is under threat from deforestation, habitat degradation, and illegal logging.

Black-headed spider monkey image
animal spotlight
Black-headed spider monkey

The black-headed spider monkey (Ateles fusciceps), aptly named for its distinctive facial markings, is predominantly found in the rainforests of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, and Paraguay. Its long limbs and prehensile tail aid in agile movements through the dense canopy of the Amazon, where it spends most of its time foraging and navigating the treetops. Social creatures by nature, black-headed spider monkeys form cohesive groups comprising 20 to 30 individuals, led by a dominant male. Within these groups, females outnumber males, fostering intricate social dynamics and cooperative behaviors essential for survival.

how this project helps

Despite their adaptability and resilience, black-headed spider monkeys face significant threats to their existence. Listed as “Vulnerable” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), they are susceptible to habitat loss due to deforestation, habitat fragmentation, hunting for bushmeat, and the illegal pet trade.

Public registry documentsApplicable calculation methods are referenced in the reports below. Note that registries do not publicly provide all pertinent data required to reproduce emissions calculations. However, Independent Validation and Verification Bodies have access to the data needed to reproduce and verify emissions calculations.
  • Project Description Document.pdf


  • Verification Report 2018-2019.pdf


  • Monitoring Report 2010-2013.pdf


  • Verification Report 2020-2023.pdf


  • Verification Report 2013-2017.pdf


  • Verification Report 2020-2021.pdf


  • Monitoring Report 2013-2017.pdf


  • Monitoring Report 2020.pdf


  • Monitoring report 2017-2018.pdf


  • Monitoring Report 2019-2020.pdf


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